Product Series to Eradicate Acne and Oily Skin from Pond’s

Product Series to Eradicate Acne and Oily Skin from Pond’s

Acne can not be separated from adolescent life. Based on the study, 6 out of 10 adolescents admitted experiencing problems with oily skin and acne. The survey was conducted by Unilever in 2011. In the survey also found there are 10 problems of oily skin and acne experienced by most teenagers and the problem affects their confidence. Pond’s has a solution to solve the problems most often experienced by these adolescents. We provide solutions with three easy steps. Clean up, fight and disguise, said Debora Gondokusumo, Pond’s Brand Manager, PT Unilever Tbk during the launch of Pond’s Acne Complete Solution in Kota Kasablanka, Tuesday (8/20/2013).

To clean the face, Pond’s has the latest soap product that is Acne Clear White Facial Cleanser. Namely facial cleansers that contain salicylic acid, herbal clay, gentle scrub beads and formula Brightening Essence. The content is able to overcome the problem of acne, oily skin as well as brighten the skin. Still in the stage of cleaning the skin, Pond’s also has facial cleanser tissue. Oil Control Cleansing Wipes are specially formulated with Oil Catchers which effectively instantly remove dirt, grease and makeup. The second step is the stage against acne with ‘Overnight Pimple Care Gel’ that works to fight acne during sleep. With a formula containing Salicylic Acid, it can quickly deflate acne that is inflamed and mepercepat acne kering.Sedangkan third stage is disguise acne. By relying on Pimple Cover & Care Concealet Acne Pen can be camouflaged to treat acne. With a formula that is concentrated to correct the appearance of acne and salicylic acidnya content into a solution to cure acne. (kik / rma)

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